Jobs and training opportunities
Current job vacancies
We don't have vacancies available currently, but check out the links below for the latest vacancies for jobs and apprenticeships with our delivery partners.
Apprenticeship & Skills Learning with Northumberland Skills
If your looking at Apprenticeship options, then have a look at Northumberland Skills as there's lots of options for potential apprentices and employers. Apprenticeships are a great way to learn as you earn and they're open to anyone of a working age.
Want to learn more ? Click on the links below and find out how Northumberland Skills can help you reach your goals.
Level 2 Rail Engineering Track Maintenance Course
​​​​​​​​Apprenticeship & Job opportunities with Morgan Sindall
Morgan Sindall Infrastructure are our main construction partner and all their job vacancies are shown on this link.
Current apprenticeship vacancies with Northern
Apprenticeship early careers
Great apprenticeship opportunities are currently available at Northern.
Northern are looking for apprentices for positions across the organisation. These are all either at Level 3 or Level 4. It’s a unique opportunity for you to show the world what you’re really made of.
For all the details and information on how to apply follow this link.
Current vacancies with Northern
Vacancies with Northern are shown on this link and keep checking back as Conductor vacancies for their Ashington base will be advertised soon.
Jobs Fairs
As job fairs are taking place, we will post details of them here.
Training opportunities
There are no training opportunities currently available.
As future workshops are taking place, we will post details of them here.