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Bridge works at New Hartley/South Newsham - November 2022

Between September and November this year contractors have been working to repair and upgrade a bridge on the existing railway line in order to prepare it for the arrival of the Northumberland Line passenger service. The bridge, known as “Underbridge 42”, is located between New Hartley and South Newsham, and carries the railway over a footpath/farm access road.

The works to repair and upgrade the bridge have included the reinforcement of the bridge arch to make it ready to carry a greater number of trains along the line, and required the removal of the railway track to expose the top of the bridge.

Top of bridge arch with tracks removed
The top of Underbridge 42 arch after the tracks were removed
Bridge arch reinforced with metal and concrete
View of works to reinforce the arch under the railway line

As the works required the railway to be closed they included overnight and weekend working.

Night working on the top of the bridge
Works to reinstatement of the railway line over Underbridge 42

The repairs have also seen the replacement and repointing of stonework in throughout the bridge. The upgrades have been successfully completed, the tracks replaced and the contractors are now working to finalise the works area.

Stone bridge supporting railway
View of Underbridge 42 from the footpath with the arch reinforcement in place


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