The next phase of the roadworks on South Newsham Road in Blyth will start on Monday 13th November for 3 weeks and traffic management will include;
2 Way traffic lights installed from East side of Blagdon Drive for approximately 150m eastbound towards Blyth.
Traffic will be chicaned within the lane closure to cover works areas.
The footway on the south side will be closed through this area with pedestrians and cyclists diverted onto the north footway with cyclists advised to dismount through this area.
The bus stop on the eastbound will be suspended during this period.

The final phase of the works will start on Tuesday 12th December until Friday 22nd December and will include;
3 Way Lights from Sandringham Drive for 300m towards Blagdon Drive.
Westbound bus stop will be suspended during this time.
The footway on the south side will remain closed through this area with pedestrians and cyclists diverted onto the north footway with cyclists advised to dismount through this area.
