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Signalling History Shared

Updated: Oct 4

Ahead of the Northumberland Line resignalling project commencing earlier this year, a team from the Friends of the National Railway Museum were invited by Network Rail & Northern Trains to record the historic semaphore signalling that ran the line before digital signalling was installed.

Each of the signal boxes along the line were recorded, along with the signal boxes on the branch line to North Blyth and the freight line to Lynemouth Power Station.

The Friends of the National Railway Museum created three videos to showcase the signallers, signal boxes and signals before the resignalling took place and some of the signal boxes were demolished. The videos have been kindly hosted by the Signalling Record Society on their website.

The videos offer a fascinating glance back in time and form a great record for future generations to look back on.

The first video shows the signalling from Newsham & Ashington

The second video looks at the signalling between Ashington & Lynemouth Power Station

The third video looks at the signalling on the branch line to North Blyth

1 Comment

2 days ago

Frankly, I'm more interested in when the obstacle course of cones, lumps, and bumps is going to be sorted out at South Newsham. It seems to have gone on for an epic amount of time with little to no visible progress. If finishing this is delayed again then please explain why.

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